When we are younger, there is a stigma against asking our parental figures about how much money they make, financial Freedom and wealth management, and how to prioritize spending money. Like the “birds & the bees” conversation, it’s an uncomfortable subject that most parents deliberately choose to ignore. Why? Because it’s easier than trying to explain something that you might not fully understand yourself.
And we sure aren’t getting the guidance from other resources. In school, we are taught about the 8 planets (which used to be 9 - poor Pulto) and where they orbit in relation to the sun. We learn about why a ball drops at a certain velocity, and how two chemicals mixed together will explode. But do you know what we don’t talk about? Taxes. Budgeting. Money. Financial Freedom and Wealth Management.
And we sure aren’t getting the guidance from other resources. In school, we are taught about the 8 planets (which used to be 9 - poor Pulto) and where they orbit in relation to the sun. We learn about why a ball drops at a certain velocity, and how two chemicals mixed together will explode. But do you know what we don’t talk about? Taxes. Budgeting. Money. Financial Freedom and Wealth Management.